In-Field Olfactometry Reporting

Axiom Environmental Nasal RangerMalodour emissions from waste-processing are often a contentious and litigious issue.  A complaint can be validated on the subjective opinions of a single complainant with no scientific basis other than the olfactory senses of the individual.  Axiom Environmental offers a full in-field assessment and reporting system in a bid to partially rectify this -often biased- situation.

Trained operatives conduct a full inspection of the processing facility and measure migrating emissions, using the latest in-field olfactometry equipment (Nasal Ranger – St. Croix), in order to introduce some empirical data to quantify any identified arisings.

The service includes (but is not confined to):-

  1. Initial site-visit to determine a suitable framework for assessment.
  2. A prescribed duration of olfactometry and level recording.
  3. A full written report – including the accrued data and general findings.
  4. Recommendations for abatement and future SOPs.  
  5. Attendance at meetings with any relative authorities or agencies as well as representation of a company or organisation involved in public-liaison or planning presentation.

This service has been used extensively in the UK, Ireland and West Africa and has often proved imperative in the successful defence of a complaint or non-compliance.

Contact us for more information..
